
Sunday 3 June 2018

Seven reasons to love running

Simply Sports will be celebrating the next 6th of June the Global Running Day, a worldwide celebration of running that encourages everyone to get moving. The idea is have fun, be active and inspire others. Remember that you can inspire running 20 marathons in a row or simply a half mile.

Following the idea of this special Running Day, we have been wondering and looking for reasons why a sport like running, being the world’s oldest sport, is becoming the most popular way to exercise and here are our answers:

1 Free and you can do it anywhere: According to NHS, running burns more calories than any other mainstream exercise and regular running can reduce your risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. It can also boost your mood and keep your weight under control.

2 Easy to do: It is simple, cheap and fast. You do not need special equipment, environment or more people. Simply comfortable sports clothing, a good pair of shoes (we could advise you at Reigate, Oxted, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Weels stores), a supportive sports bra for women and, of course, your willpower and staying motivated.

Image taken from Brooks.

3 In figures: More than two million of people  in the UK run at least once a week and an estimated 10m in the US. Here is other datum to understand this phenomenon: more than 1,6 million of runners have completed a ParkRun in UK. 

4 Running as recreation: Nowadays one in ten persons run. Running is the sixth most popular form of recreation in Europe – after walking, swimming, biking, alpine skiing and mountaineering.

5. Sociable and solitary: Running can be the most sociable of sports (running clubs, races...) or if you prefer the most solitary (training and competing alone, run against yourself).

6. Discover the world running: Races and training are a great opportunity to enjoy your town and your county without limits and discovering new areas. It is the perfect excuse to visit another countries making friends as well.

7. Run to calm the mind: Runners focus on breathing, as does meditationpractice of focusing attention in order to clear the mind and reduce anxiety. “It’s a myth that meditation happens only when you light candles or incense and sit cross-legged,” says Chandresh Bhardwaj, founder of the Break The Norms meditation program Instead, he explains, “When you are deeply involved in any activity, you become meditative”. In conclusion, running is an excellent way to develop a meditation and mindfulness practice.

It would be fantastic, if you comment us your reasons to love running. We promise you we add your ideas this post. Thank you! 

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